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Letture per il weekend – 25/03/2017

In questa rubrica vi segnaliamo articoli che abbiamo trovato interessanti, sfiziosi, gustosi o, insomma, degni di essere menzionati, e che sono più o meno legati ai temi che ci piace trattare su Outcast. Gli articoli non sono necessariamente in italiano, anzi, è tristemente probabile che non lo siano. La periodicità dell’appuntamento potrebbe essere settimanale, ma vai a sapere.

Il mercato dei podcast (leggi l'articolo su Idee per la TV)
Tutti quei programmi a lungo vituperati perché troppo costosi da produrre improvvisamente tornano alla ribalta come nuova frontiera della radio. E questo perché la grammatica dell’ascolto di un podcast è intimamente diversa da quella radiofonica: in podcast funzionano quei programmi che richiedono attenzione.

Alla scoperta dei cliché più abusati dai game designer (leggi l'articolo su Everyeye)
Pensate un attimo a quella sensazione di malessere cosmico che colpisce i giocatori quando uno sviluppatore decide, senza alcun motivo intellegibile, di infilare nel suo gioco una sequenza di gameplay appartenente a tutt'altro genere.

'Zelda: Breath of the Wild' Is Curing Me Of An Addiction I Didn't Know I Had (leggi l'articolo su Forbes)
I felt this early on, when I realized that all my weapons were breakable and naturally, this being a Zelda game, I couldn’t just regain my hearts by hiding behind something. As such, each fight is a more significant, important, dangerous experience.

'Freelancer' Was the Original Open-World Space Opera (leggi l'articolo su Waypoint)
Open-world space sims often use procedural generation to put some notional big number on the size of their galaxy: No Man's Sky's "18 quintillion" planets spread across seemingly countless star system. Freelancer has 50. In Freelancer, every star and planet is an authored place with its own history and role. 

Tomb Raider: Ascension [Cancelled / Beta – PS3, Xbox 360, PC] (leggi l'articolo su Unseen 64)
Concept art was already released immediately after the initial game announcement which holds lots of things not included in Tomb Raider’s final draft, and the concept lead many people to believe Tomb Raider was going to become something of a horror-genre game. 

Meet the Woman Who Dresses Your Favorite Superheros (leggi l'articolo su Racked)
“It's about marrying the absurd to the authentic,” she says over coffee in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. “These are street-level heroes. That's what binds them together. They all struggle with their identity and their ability. They want to consider themselves normal people.”

Is Xbox Game Pass really a threat to physical retail? (leggi l'articolo su Gamesindustry.biz)
So should GAME and GameStop's investors be fearful of the subscription model? Well, yes, but only in the way that they should be concerned about the digital market in its entirety.

‘Billions’ vs. Real Life (leggi l'articolo su The Ringer)
Just as it’s tempting to relate all real-life instances of hapless political scheming to an episode of Veep, or to call every scary new bit of internet ephemera “something straight out of Black Mirror,” Billions has turned into a “this-reminds-me-of” cultural avatar for current events.