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Compiti per il weekend – 14/10/2017

In questa rubrica vi segnaliamo articoli e video che abbiamo trovato interessanti, sfiziosi, gustosi o, insomma, degni di essere menzionati, e che sono più o meno legati ai temi che ci piace trattare su Outcast. Gli articoli e i video non sono necessariamente in italiano, anzi, è tristemente probabile che non lo siano. La periodicità dell’appuntamento potrebbe essere settimanale, ma vai a sapere.

Mio nipote me lo traduce gratis (leggi l'articolo su The Shelter)
"E così come l’esperienza di un emulatore, per quanto ovviamente inferiore a quella di una console originale, val più di ignorare del tutto un capolavoro del passato, sono altrettanto convinto che un gran gioco è meglio viverlo anche con patch non ufficiali che doverci rinunciare del tutto."

The Quest To Make A Better Video Game Controller (leggi l'articolo su Kotaku)
"Custom controllers from boutique companies like Scuf and Razer often have flashy paint jobs and marketing copy full of boasts about the high quality of their parts. They usually feel better in your hands and can even give you a competitive advantage over the controller that came with your console. But until fairly recently, most custom controllers didn’t attempt to fundamentally update the overall design of the game controller. Enter under-buttons."

Tre video che provano come tutti a Hollywood conoscevano il vero Weinstein (leggi l'articolo su Dagospia)
"Gwyneth Paltrow già nel 1998 parlava di Harvey Weinstein come uno che 'ti costringe' a fare cose nello show di Letterman."

Digging for treasure in Aladdin’s source code (leggi l'articolo su The Video Game History Foundation)
"Hopefully you like technical talk, because I’m not holding anything back. If not, well, there are pictures! (and you can skip straight to the cool section) You might also want a copy of Noesis on hand to explore along with me."

The anatomy of Symphony of the Night's incidentals (leggi l'articolo su Retronauts)
"That can't be right, I thought. Maybe we're getting our wires crossed due to language issues? But no, her explanation was spot on. The Secret Boots, as they're called in the U.S. release, "discreetly increase height." That is, they make use of the PlayStation's tech to stretch Alucard's sprite slightly and make him a few pixels taller. They do nothing else."

TV Series Budgets Hit the Breaking Point as Costs Skyrocket in Peak TV Era (leggi l'articolo su Variety)
"Bigger, bolder production values aren’t the only expense; talent also costs a pretty penny. Netflix raised eyebrows with a $2 million-per-episode guarantee to lure David Letterman back to TV for a six-episode interview series that’s expected to bow next year."

There's No Such Thing as a Hard Game (Or an Easy One) (leggi l'articolo su Glixel)
Games aren’t real. That might sound preposterous, but it is actually fairly critical to understanding why we’re having this discussion. Everything in a game is fake. It’s smoke and mirrors.

Jackie Chan’s Plan to Keep Kicking Forever (leggi l'articolo su GQ)
"It seems like it should be hard to forget who gave you a thousand(s)-year-old tree, but nothing is impossible if you are Jackie Chan."

Noah Baumbach: ‘People sometimes tell me, “Why don’t you just make something funny?”’ (leggi l'articolo su Little White Lies)
"What I’ve wanted to do in a movie for a long time is, have somebody tell the same story or make the same joke more than once. The structure of the film, with the first part centring on one brother and the second part on the other, allowed to have Harold tell the same stories several times."