
Compiti per il weekend – 15/07/2017

Compiti per il weekend – 15/07/2017

In questa rubrica vi segnaliamo articoli e video che abbiamo trovato interessanti, sfiziosi, gustosi o, insomma, degni di essere menzionati, e che sono più o meno legati ai temi che ci piace trattare su Outcast. Gli articoli e i video non sono necessariamente in italiano, anzi, è tristemente probabile che non lo siano. La periodicità dell’appuntamento potrebbe essere settimanale, ma vai a sapere.

Why Miles Morales, the First Black/Latino Spider-Man, Means So Much to People (leggi l'articolo su Waypoint)
"One thing I always used to wonder," he told me over email recently, "but not really understand back then was, why aren't people who look like me represented in the things I like? And when they are represented, they're either done badly or under a negative light."

Alpha Protocol is as good as Mass Effect and if you disagree you are wrong (leggi l'articolo su Desctructoid)
Alpha Protocol's characters are wonderfully over-the-top and a hell of a lot of fun to interact with. There's SIE, the machine gun-toting mercenary lady who gets hornier the more you threaten to kill her. There's Sis, the silent emo girl assassin. 

Rialzarsi da un KO: la nuova primavera dei picchiaduro (leggi l'articolo su The Shelter)
Eppure dopo anni di stagnazione, in cui solo prodotti di nicchia come quelli Ark System e le molteplici incarnazioni di BlazBlue placavano la sete degli appassionati, negli ultimi mesi si respira una nuova aria.

In the age of streaming TV, who needs title sequences? (leggi l'articolo su The Verge)
It is a moment of remarkable contrast, with title sequences both blossoming with potential and seemingly imperiled. This conflict raises an interesting question: at a time when television titles have never been so good, what purpose do they actually still serve?

Discover the Creators: Yoko Taro’s Favorite PS4 Games (leggi l'articolo su PlayStation.Blog)
The one thing that surprised me the most is their incomprehensible passion towards food and beverage. FF is amazing.

What developers are saying about the design of Nintendo's Arms (leggi l'articolo su Gamasutra)
So the Arms meta is still SUPER fresh obviously. I'm hesitant to like dig into balancing since it feels like first week of Overwatch where every other day a different character was OP, etc. I have theories but they're probably bad and wrong but whatever.

The Invincible Hero of ‘Monkey Island’ Was an Adventure Game Masterstroke (leggi l'articolo su Waypoint)
But it's not the (albeit brilliant) humor of Monkey Island that makes it special amongst adventure games, nor its simplified interface or star-in-the-making pirate wannabe. Its makers did the unthinkable for video games at the time: they made the game virtually impossible to lose at.

The history and future of Fire Pro Wrestling, as told by Tomoyuki Matsumoto (leggi l'articolo su Retronauts)
We were told, out of the blue, "Oh, by the way, Human is going out of business, so sorry." I had only been there for one year before that happened. You know, working on Fire Pro G before the company went under. At the time, we were also working on the WonderSwan version, but obviously that didn't come to fruition.

Hollywood Sexism: The Latest Stories From 11 Female Stars, From Jessica Chastain to Emma Stone (leggi l'articolo su IndieWire)
“I was literally told I had to have long hair otherwise the men doing the hiring in Hollywood wouldn’t want to fuck me and if they didn’t want to fuck me, they wouldn’t hire me,”

Why Some Men Don’t Work: Video Games Have Gotten Really Good (leggi l'articolo su Waypoint)
By 2015, American men 31 to 55 were working about 163 fewer hours a year than that same age group did in 2000. Men 21 to 30 were working 203 fewer hours a year. One puzzle is why the working hours for young men fell so much more than those of their older counterparts. The gap between the two groups grew by about 40 hours a year, or a full workweek on average.

'Walking Dead' Lawsuit Spills Obscene Emails and Tales of Greed Over TV's Billion-Dollar Hit (leggi l'articolo su The Hollywood Reporter)
“Fuck you all for giving me chest pains because of the staggering fucking incompetence, blindness to the important beats, and the beyond-arrogant lack of regard for what is written being exhibited on set every day. I deserve better than a heart attack because people are too stupid to read a script and understand the words. Does anybody disagree with me? Then join the C-cam operator and go find another job that doesn’t involve deliberately fucking up my show scene by scene."

The anatomy of Metal Gear, part 1: On-site procurement (leggi l'articolo su Retronauts)
What people don't often discuss these days is how remarkably well that old MSX game holds up 30 years later. Yes, it shows its age in many ways, but by and large the original Metal Gear demonstrates some fantastic, forward-thinking design that allows it to stand up to modern scrutiny.

Micro Machines: World Series - La maledizione di Toby Bateson

Micro Machines: World Series - La maledizione di Toby Bateson

Old! #216 – Luglio 1987

Old! #216 – Luglio 1987